Unauthorised changes to Veterinary Prescriptions Report Form

The Veterinary Medicines Regulations, Schedule 3, Part 1, paragraph 5(3) states: “No person may alter a written prescription unless authorised to do so by the person who signed it”. It is an offence to fail to comply with this paragraph.

Please use this form to report any unauthorised changes to a veterinary prescription or any form of veterinary prescription misuse.

If further advice is required please contact the VMD Enforcement Team by email on enforcement@vmd.gov.uk

Any information provided will be treated strictly in confidence.

Your Details

Details of unathorised change

Has script been altered or amended/created without the vet's knowledge? Include details such as dates, quantities, medicines, animals and vet's signatures
for example, discussed with a client
for example, RCVS, Police? Please include crime reference number if applicable

Details of pet owner named on prescription

Please note that we can only investigate a case if this information is provided, otherwise your report will be noted and no further action taken